We were greatly honored by visit of Mr. Sezai CİBELİK, Deputy General Manager of Food and Control, to our Institute. Our esteemed Deputy General Manager drawed detailed information about the studies and operations carried out in our laboratories and made inspections there. We thank Deputy...
Please Click For The Brochure Of Doping Control Laboratory.pd...
Please Click For Brochure Of Genetic Laboratory.pd...
The Veterinary Control Research Institute is one of the accredited laboratories of the European Union to perform the Fluorescent Antibody Titre Test (FAVN) for Rabies on animals. The reporting method has been revised to improve the security of the reports and also to increase the speed of reporting...
Turkmenistan Delegation TrainingTraining on DNA STR Analysis in Horses held by Genetic Department 04-10 January 2020. Konstantin GOLOVKİN, Rahman AHMETYAROV, Berdimuhammet BERDİMİRADOV and Grigoriy LOMOVSEV participated in this training from Turkmenistan Delegation. Both sides shared their valuable...
Institute Director, Mr. Dr. Ozhan TÜRKYILMAZ has been appointed as Head of Animal Health and Quarantine on 28/08/2015.We would like to thank him for his service he has given to our Institute and we wish him success in his new position...
Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ IZS A&M Experts; West Nile Virus OIE Twinning Project Coordinator Dr. Federica Monaco and Scientific Director and Head of Virology Department Dr. Giovanni Savini was in our institute 8-9th of July for Audit Visi...
Russian delegation, headed by Bayram SERTKAYA, visited our Institute's Poultry Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory. Information about the studies is given by Director of theInstitute Dr.Özhan TÜRKYILMAZ and Laboratory Chief Dr.Asiye DAKMAN...
Our Institute's Experts and Other Institute's experts participated to the training. Training was given by Cinar ADALILAR. Training which is useful for our researchers was coppleted successfully. ...
Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ IZS A&M Experts; West Nile Virus OIE Twinning Project Coordinator Dr. Federica Monaco, Scientific Director and Head of Virology Department Dr. Giovanni Savini and Dr. Adriana Santilli from Entomology Depar...
Our Institute has successfully passed the audit conducted by TÜRKAK between 25 to 26 August 2014. As a result of audit scope five more subjects was expanded. I thank all my colleagues, who contributed Accreditation works...
Our Institutes Experts Gave a Training in Ankara and Nevşehir...
I would entreat Ramadan feast brings peace to our nation, cause liberation of oppressed ones, peace and guidance for the humanity and I wish you to spend your feast together with your loved ones in health and happiness.Dr. Özhan TÜRKYILMAZInstitute Directo...
Launched in March 2014, Technical Assistance Project for the Preparation of Veterinary Services Strategy Document Project Meeting, was held at the Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute conference hall at 18 July 2014.The meeting was chaired by Head of Department of Animal Health and Quar...
A social event is orginised for our Institute's staff who are just married, new arrived and getting retired They were presented gifts by the social committee of the Institute. Wishing them health and happiness...
A sccial activity program is arranged for new father Soner İMAMOĞLU and for some other our colleagues. They were presented gifts by the Social committee of the Institute. Wishing them health and happiness...
A farewell dinner was organized for our retired colleagues, Food Control Laboratory Chief Exp. Vet. Yıldız AYAZ and Virological Diagnostic Laboratory chief Dr. Arife ERTÜRK. We wish them health happiness and success in their new lives...
An Iftar program was carried out in 10.07.2014 in our Institute with participation of Institute Director, Mr. Özhan TÜRKYILMAZ, administrative service manager Mr. Mustafa COŞAR, Institute staff and their families...
A visit from Bosnia and Herzegovina Delegation to our institut...
Our Institute Specialists have organized various trainings on laboratory studies to the colleagues from Kosovo, between April 7 to 11, 2014. At the end of the training our Director of the Insitute Dr. Özhan TÜRKYILMAZ gave a memorial plaque to the Presid...