
Four Major Tasks

1. Research Activities

Epidemiology, control, and eradication of all kinds of animal diseases both on national and regional levels; development of modern techniques of diagnosis and production; diagnosis, control, and eradication of diseases in aquaculture and apiculture, research activities for the benefit of public health; and also participation in projects aiming at rehabilitation and conservation of genetic resources.

2. Diagnosis and Control Activities

Diagnosis of and epidemiological studies on animal diseases; providing support to and reporting of the preparation and implementation of annual and multiannual plans and programs to be carried out in terms of animal diseases and food safety; microbiological analysis of animals and food of animal origin; serological diagnosis of heat-processed and unprocessed meat and meat products; DNA analysis of thoroughbreds; doping analysis of racehorses; residue and hormone analysis of food of animal origin; health control and laboratory diagnosis of animals imported to Turkey; inspection of breeding facilities and hatcheries; supervision of veterinary vaccine stockpiles; participating in Veterinary Vaccine and Drug Licensing Commissions as expert; control of vaccines, serum, and biological substances; development of methods in referenced diagnoses and analyses; standardization of methods and arrangement of ring tests; issuance of "Storage Conformity Certificates" within the Scope of the Circular on the Storage, Handling and Marketing to Applicators of Veterinary Biological Products; and inspection of provincial bodies operating as an affiliate of the Institute.

3. Training Activities

In-service training, training of foreign personnel, student apprenticeships, scientific meetings, panels, and seminars

4. Production Activities

Viral Vaccines

1. Lyophilized vaccine against rinderpest,
2. Lyophilized vaccine against sheep bluetongue disease (monovalent),
3. Avianized rabies vaccine,
4. PPR vaccine

Bacterial Vaccines

​1. ANT ETVAC Anthrax vaccine,
2. Vaccine against par tuberculosis,
3. Vaccine against inactive vibrio in sheep

Test Materials
1. Salmonella group serums,
2. Antiserums (for separation of meat products),
3. S. abortus equi, S. dublin, and S. abortus ovis antigenes,
4. Haemolysins,
5. Salmonella and Campylobacter immune serums,
6. Leptospira strains, negative and positive mouse brain.​