Veterinary Control Central Research Institute has established its Quality Management System to meet the needs of the customer and legal authorities or organizations by meeting the requirements of the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 "General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories" standard since 2005.

VKMAE started its accreditation studies in 2003 and 2004, and many test methods were accredited by TÜRKAK in terms of compliance with the TS ISO EN 17025 quality system as of September 2005. It is the first accredited organization between the  veterinary control laboratories in Türkiye. The Quality Management controls that the Institute perform laboratory activities in line with the quality policy and quality targets established according to the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. In this context, the Quality Management has determined the procedures and authorities and responsibilities related to the application, which set out the general principles, procedures and principles by which the applications determined within the framework of the Quality Management System will be carried out, and created the relevant documents (instructions, forms, lists, etc.) for the application details. In accordance with the Quality Management System, it is mandatory for all personnel to know, understand and apply the Institute's quality policy, procedures, instructions and support documents. The Quality Management Unit is responsible for ensuring the implementation and monitoring of this standard and evaluating the performance of the Management System and presenting a performance report.​