In Parasitology Laboratory, diseases caused by helminths, arthropods and protozoans in animals are diagnosed using the standard tests of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and the methods specified in the Diagnostic Method Association Guide of our Ministry.
Diagnosis of parasitic diseases caused by factors such as Varroa destructor, Nosema apis / Nosema ceranae, Acarapis woodi, Braula coeca in bees and pests such as small hive worm (Aethina tumida) and Tropilaelaps mite (T. clareae, T. koenigerum, T. mercedesae) found in hives are also made according to standard tests of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and the methods specified in the Diagnostic Method Association Guide of our Ministry. Diagnosis of Dourine's disease caused by Trypanasoma equiperdum, which is required in the "Issuance of Breeding Certificates for Stallions and Mares to be Used as Breeding" carried out by our Ministry, is made in our laboratory.
When necessary, training programs are organized and consultancy services are provided for veterinarians working in other Veterinary Control Institutes, field veterinarians, farmers and producers regarding the diagnosis of parasitic diseases in animals. In addition, various commissions established by our Ministry provide services on issues related to parasitic diseases.
In order to ensure quality control of the analyses, it participates in proficiency tests at the standards determined by the Turkish Accreditation Agency. You can access the current analysis list that we are accredited from this link; https://portal.turkak.org.tr/tr/accreditation/accreditation-certificate/search/46b19048-0ac6-4da1-9fc3-41981225b27f
National/International Reference Topics
Durin (Horse syphilis),
· Babesiosis,
· Echinococcosis/hydatidosis,
· Leishmaniosis,
· Neosporosis,
· Varroasis diseases
· Species identification of vector ticks
· Species determination of vector Culicoides