Food Control Laboratory has been providing services on the control of foodstuffs since the establishment of the Institute. In Food Control Laboratory, microbiological examinations of various foodstuffs, especially animal foodstuffs, are carried out according to international methods as ISO, TSE and Bacteriological Analytical Manual etc. In Food Control Laboratory;
• Microbiological analysis of foodstuffs,
• Selected chemical analyzes of foodstuffs,
• Sensory and physical analyzes in foodstuffs,
• Histological examination for the detection of internal organs and foreign tissues in meat products (salami, sausage, meatballs, etc.),
• Toxicological examination for microbial toxins in foodstuffs and Staphylococcal enterotoxin analysis,
• Meat type differentiation in raw meat by serological tube precipitation method and AGID test,
• Serological species distinction is made in raw and cooked meat and meat products.
Food Control Laboratory participates in proficiency tests at the standards set by the Turkish Accreditation Agency in order to ensure the quality control of the analyses. You can access the current analysis list that we are accredited from this link; https://portal.turkak.org.tr/tr/accreditation/accreditation-certificate/search/46b19048-0ac6-4da1-9fc3-41981225b27f