In Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, which operates in biosafety level 2 and 3 (BSL-2, BSL-3) laboratories, the diagnosis of bacterial, viral and mycotic diseases is made using the standard tests of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). Regarding poultry health, Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory aim to benefit the poultry industry by providing versatile services including virological, serological, bacteriological and molecular diagnostic methods in one unit. Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory is aimed to keep the diagnostic quality at a high level by regularly participating every year in international ring tests organized by WOAH/EU/FAO International Reference Laboratory regarding the diagnosis of Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease. In addition, participation in paid ring tests is also provided for various tests performed routinely in the laboratory.
In Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory;
• Antemortem and postmortem examinations of various live or dead poultry sent from the field are carried out and diagnosis is made using international bacteriological, mycotic, virological, serological and molecular analysis methods.
• According to TS EN ISO 6579, Salmonella spp. in animal feces and samples taken from the environment during the main production stage. Isolation is done both routinely and confirmation is made using molecular methods.
• When disease causative agents are detected after bacteriological isolation and identification of morbid substances, antibiogram tests can be applied and drug alternatives can be offered for effective treatment. Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory also takes part in the National Salmonella Control Program and National Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring programs.
• The presence and titer of antibodies formed against various viral and bacterial microorganisms or developed after vaccination are detected from serum samples of poultry. Information about vaccination programs is given according to the detected antibody levels.
• Determines the appropriate vaccination day for Gumboro disease upon request.
• In accordance with the "Regulation on Hatcheries and Breeding Poultry Enterprises", the samples taken from existing breeding enterprises and hatcheries by the Directorate of Animal Health, Breeding and Aquaculture Branch in the provinces within the responsibility of our Institute, are examined for Salmonella Gallinarium / Pullorum / Enteritidis / Typhimurium and Mycoplasma gallisepticum / meleagridis. Laboratory carries out laboratory examination in terms of factors and, when necessary, controls and inspects hygienic and technical conditions. Laboratory takes part in the commissions established to ensure that newly established breeding businesses and hatcheries are established in accordance with the conditions specified in the relevant regulation.
• Within the scope of poultry health studies, active surveillance work on Avian Influenza and Newcastle diseases is carried out and defined analyzes are made from samples sent for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease.
Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory participates in proficiency tests at the standards set by the Turkish Accreditation Agency in order to ensure the quality control of the analyses. You can access the current analysis list that we are accredited from this link; https://portal.turkak.org.tr/tr/accreditation/accreditation-certificate/search/46b19048-0ac6-4da1-9fc3-41981225b27f
Poultry Disease Diagnostic Laboratory's National Reference Topics:
1.Chicken Typhoid (S. Gallinarum)
2.Pullorum Disease (S. Pullorum)
3.Gumboro (IBD) Disease