The Rinderpest Serum Institute (Veba-i Bakari Seromu Dar-ül-istihzarı), considered as the beginning of today's Etlik Central Veterinary Control & Research Institute, used to operate in Eskisehir during the Turkish War of Independence, but then had to move to Ankara followed by Kirsehir/Bozkaya due to war.
After the Battle of Sakarya, our Institute changed its name to "Ankara Serum Production Institution" and moved to its current location in Etlik in December 1921, where it gave start to the production of rinderpest serum.
Our Institute is one of the 7 regional Veterinary Control Institutes in Turkey, and is providing service to 14 provinces in the Central Anatolian Region and its surroundings. In its capacity as the country's central institute, the services provided by our Institute reach at the same time all across Turkey.