Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory of Pendik Veterinary Control Institute has been authorized as the reference laboratory responsible for the quality control of the veterinary medicinal products by the commend of General Directorate of Food and Control of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Dated 10.04.2000 and numbered İ.A.H.-VET-İLAÇ/08998.
The Laboratory analyzes the quantity of active ingredients and physical properties of Veterinary medicinal products subject to authorization, field inspection and imported. Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK) accredits the laboratory by means of technical capability and ability to create true and trusty results. It organizes proficiency and ring tests and participate available ones in the field of its accredited subjects.
The personnel who attends to the Veterinary Medicinal Products Commission investigates the authorization dossier. The Laboratory is the only unit responsible for investigating the pharmaceutical variations dossier. Laboratory personnel, also attends to GMP inspections of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities as an inspector.
Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratory not only analyzes the pharmaceuticals that production companies request but also the ones sent from Directorates of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry that are reported to cause problems or taken to court.
Participating scientific studies, improving with continuous education and sharing the experience is substantial responsibilty.of the laboratory.