Residue Monitoring Laboratory has been assigned as the National Reference Laboratory by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Food and Control with the purpose of monitoring of veterinary drug residues. Our laboratory conducts veterinary drug residue analysis on various animal products in accordance with the demand coming from the private sector within the framework of the on going National Residue Monitoring Plan.
National Residue Monitoring Plan includes information on the substances and product groups determined according to animal species and the measures to be taken to determine the presence of these substances and products. In the implementation of these programs, Turkish legislation which has been harmonized with EU legislation ( Council Directive 96/23 / EC and 96/22 / EC and Council Decision 98/179 / EC) is taken into account.
Studies have been carried out since 2000 in order to monitor drug residues on animal tissues and products at Pendik Veterinary Control Institute Residue Monitoring Laboratory. Studies were started with the analysis of Benzimidazole group antihelminthic drug residues in poultry tissues and products. Later, the scope of the studies has been expanded and now, residue monitoring studies has been carried out in nine different drug groups in various animal products within the scope of National Residue Monitoring Program. These are anticoccidial, ivermectin, benzimidazole, dexamethasone, fumagillin, chloramphenicol, nitroimidazole, nitrofuran and nonsteroidal drugs.
Our laboratory is accredited on anticoccidial group in red meat, poultry meat and egg, on ivermectin group in milk, fish and red meat, on benzimidazole group in milk and muscle tissue, on dexamethasone group in milk, on fumagillin group in honey, on the nitroimidazole group in milk, fish, egg and muscle tissue, on nitrofuran group on fish, honey, milk, egg, poultry liver, water and muscle tissue, on nonsteroid group in milk, egg, red meat and poultry meat.